DARA Web Dashboard

Centralized data-driven analytics for energy consumption, preventive maintenance, heatmap, intruder detection alert and more

DARA Web Dashboard gives you full control over lamps, sensors or other connected devices for comprehensive real-time reports. Easily import and configure assets to see at a glance the entire organizational hierarchy (building, floors, departments) with valuable insights like usage over time, occupancy, energy consumption or heatmaps. Identify patterns in human behavior and personalize your environment to increase efficiency, human productivity and well-being.

DARA Web Dashboard

With DARA Lighting Design get read-only access to all the settings done via mobile app.

  • Overview:
  • Networks and DARA devices;
  • Luminaires and groups;
  • Scenes and scenarios;
  • Sensors and settings;

Switches configured for your networks;

End to end lighting design,
connectivity solutions, and services.

We reduce technical and financial risks to bring your desired project alive in the fastest way possible.  Our certified award winning lighting designers and engineers are ready to take any challenge, from mechanical to electronic engineering to design, prototype, test and develop according to your very specific needs.






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